11 April, 2013


The directions are done and that is crazy fast for me. I plan on putting in sizes for full, queen, and so and and so forth, but those will have to come later because I need to figure it out. I felt I should post my inspiration though, just in case Ann Sacks feels the need to storm up to Canada and give me a cease and desist order, because I like to know I have been up front about how much I love her stuff.  Do you hear that Ann? I LOVE your stuff.

This tile, Beau Monde Glass, Blossom, Aquamarine, is so very beautiful and I've had it in my head for over a year, maybe two? now. I certainly never planned on my quilt looking so similar to the tile, but apparently it stuck in my head a little too strongly. Even the fabric is similar to the tile color and that was a complete accident as I generally just go into the store and pick willy-nilly.

I think the tile has a lot more browns in it than the one square tile shows, which I don't love, but still, so amazing. I would absolutely love it in white.

Confession over.

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