27 April, 2008


One reason I love The New Yorker is because they keep illustration alive. So many magazines have done away with illustration in favor of photos or clip art which has led to a real shortage of a meaningful, thoughtful images such as this...

It makes my heart happy to see Peter de Séve's artwork. He's clever while sending a message. And how can you not love this image titled Local Hero's. Painted after 9/11 it's a great commentary on the tragedy...

Anita Kunz is also a really amazing and thoughtful illustrator. I find one of her latest covers for the New Yorker profoundly funny...

I don't know why, but it makes me think of the Hutterites at home. I used to always wonder if they envied us when we wore shorts in the hot summer. This illustration makes me doubt it for some reason. These Hutterite kids are cute aren't they...

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